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Assessment Kit

These kit will help us identify if our kids  is ready for school, especially for mothers and for teachers . Since they cannot express themselves yet by using words, there are DIY  kit that can help us assess  their skills. Or if they do not have it yet it will greatly help a child develop the skill.  

Little do we know that some of the toys that we normally see as "toy" can actually be use for assessing children's skills, like color or letter recognition.

Below I have included rubrics and rating scale so we can have a concrete basis in making the assessment.

Color Board

Skill: Mixing color to create secondary color.

Direction:  Identify secondary color by mixing two colors.


1 (Needs Improvement) – Needed help in identifying colors to combine to create the secondary colors.

2 (Fair) – Mixed 2 out of 3 colors correctly.

3 (Good) – The child identified primary and secondary colors by himself/herself. Took some time to remember what colors to combine.

4 (Excellent) – The child identified primary and secondary colors by himself/herself. Picked the two colors correctly to create the secondary colors and got all the colors correct

Rating Scale

Word Maker

Skill: Identify Vowels and Consonants (CVC Words)


1 (Needs Improvement) – Asked help from other to identify the some vowels and consonants.

2 (Fair) – Partially got all the correct answers.

3 (Good) – The child identified vowels and consonants by himself/herself. Took some time in answering the task.

4 (Excellent) – The child identified vowels and consonants by himself/herself and named all correctly. Picked the correct letter from among all the letters. Read the word fluently. Got all the answers correctly.

Rating Scale

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